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IT Managment Strategy

Strategy Aims


1. Ensure that TDC are equipped with up to date hardware and software that allows the company to perform to its full potential

2. Introduce QA Protocols and security to protect client and staff data

3. Ensure that there is a strong relationship within the company, allowing staff to access each other easily and distribute information safely.

4. Consistence and distribution – ensure that other staff members are fully compatible and educated with the company programs and systems


Short Term Action


1. Introduce a secure data system with a physical and electronic backup system

2. Ensure work spaces are provided with hardware capable of handling established programs

3. Encourage staff to improve skills through distance learning schemes.

4. Introduce basic compatible software and design programs accessible for all members and ensure that all members are confident.

5. Encourage individual learning of software, assisted by intercompany tutoring.

6. Establish basic means of communication within company members through email.

7. Ensure that the software is regularly updated and establish portfolio and research into improved and more effective programs

8. Introduce a community hub and distribution space for project information and data.


Long Term Action


1. Ensure that the company systems are backed up daily and that any physical copies of work are stored separately in a safe and secure environment.

2. Invest in security programming that monitors and protects company legislation and client/ staff data.

3. Introduce and relate with higher-level education institutions for training of specialist software and programs.

4. Encourage members to specialise in specific programs. Introduce electronic resources and advertising for client reference.

5. Keep up to date with trending social media such as Twitter and Facebook to expand client accessibility.Provide each staff member with personal hi spec laptop and smart phone for improved range and ease of access.

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