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Marketing Strategy

Strategy aims


1. Improve company’s position and efficiency.

2. Keep up to date in competitive market with other companies.

3. Promote company as a hands on client friendly practice.

4. Increase amount of new commissions achieved for new projects.


Short Term action


1. Target Company SWOT’s to improve weaknesses and lessen threats.

2. Research new technologies and legislations through journals and monthly team meetings.

3. Enroll staff in courses and training schemes that may add advantages to our practice.

4. Create and promote a flexible studio gallery that expresses our interests and design quality to win potential new clients.

5. Create an inviting and friendly studio environment where clients feel happy to come in and be a part of the design process.


Long Term action


1. Target Company SWOT’s aiming to solve weaknesses and overcome threats.

2. Establish a thriving flexible gallery with a good reputation, inviting designers to display work alongside ours.

3. Keep up with social media development and technological advertising methods

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