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Technological Strategy

Strategy Aims


1. Aim to receive the broadest range of knowledge in the industry as possible through arranged CPD meetings involving all members of the team. The CPD meetings will keep all team members up to date with new technologies and legislations. Each team member will have an understanding of everyone’s specialism.

2. Aim to share the knowledge of sustainability, every member of the team should be up to date and have an awareness of new trends, in particular sustainable materials.

3. Important to consider environmental impacts of design. Design schemes should be approved by the technical department of TDC before submitted to the client.


Short term Action


1. CPD courses should be arranged at least once every month.

2. Ensure software is regularly updated and new members of the design team are trained appropriately.

3. Ensure every member on the team is BIM trained.


Long Term Action


1. Every member on the team have been on course training in BIM allowing all members of the team to work with the same software.TDC will be advanced in up to date technology systems.

2. Green Audits will be introduced as a service for clients free of charge, allowing TDC to return to a scheme to assess the success.

3. The success can be recorded and used for future projects

4. Establish a connection with universities/recent graduates; generating experience in industry and technology, ensuring the younger generation has more experience behind them before applying for jobs in the industry.

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